Thursday 7 November 2013

Final idea for opening 2 minutes

Film Brief
A producer’s pitch, what will happen in your film? Beginning, middle and end.
For our own opening two minutes, we have decided to create a crime action thriller. Our opening revolves around one centre character and a team of investigators, with the editing focusing on cuts to shots in order to expose the villain.

Plot: Crime thriller action revolving around a case of abduction – main character is shown leaving house, saying bye to parents and informing them of what she is doing before taking her dog on a run. Camera work starts with a long shot of the main character leaving the house before zooming out to an establishing shot, determining the setting and introducing the audience to the main character and her surroundings. Editing cuts to a male hand which the audience later assume belongs to the abductor. Hand is shown picking out main character from a group and circling around her face from a newspaper. Shot then cuts to men walking into an office, stereotypically dressed in suits with briefcases – audience later learn that this is an investigating team, investigating cases of several abductions in the area. Cuts continue to switch between main character innocently running with her dog and the investigating team at work. Team of investigators are shown again still discussing the cases and what actions should be put in pace. Cuts continue to switch between main character on her run and investigating team growing increasingly worried in order to highlight the main character’s danger, before main character is shown to be missing and dog is shown owner-less Opening scene ends with cut to an abandoned house – audience assume this is where the man was circling around picture, with a camera panning around a room with pictures of previously abducted girls stuck to the walls. Camera zooms into a close up shot of the man pinning the picture onto the pin board. Last shot is of main character held hostage, unconscious in centre of the room before screen goes black.


Mise-en-scene: Lighting is natural from daylight outside of house - gets noticeably darker as character begins running down footpath due to tree overhang however it is all very realistic. Main character is dressed in typical running clothes with her dog on a lead. Abductor’s hand is shown with dirty nails, clearly a male. Props consist of headphones and a dog – limited props in order to enforce realism. Different locations will be used – scene is set at main character’s house before running through footpaths, Ashtead common and ‘the Splash’. Dark room is shown with abductors hand, however audience are unaware of the setting at the time. Little dialogue is used as main character is jogging, listening to music however a few words are light heartedly muttered to dog and character informs parents of what she is doing before she leaves.

Sound: Diegetic sound of front door closing and dialogue. Diegetic sound of headphones is emphasised making it the centre of attention as character puts them in. Footsteps are heard walking over gravel and sounds of road are played in background. Non -diegetic at first but turns to diegetic when character comes to cross road. Diegetic sound of abductor circling around main character’s face in newspaper is emphasised. Non - diegetic sound of haunting sound motif plays in background whenever abductor is in shot.

Editing: Slow pace editing in order to follow main character out of her house. Fast editing to switch to abductor – main character given more prevalence – builds tension as more you don’t see much of the abductor. Camera cuts from the scene of the main character running to the man circling the picture (cross cutting)Editing slows as he picks her out of the group and circles her face

Camera work: Starts with a close up shot of the front door, then zooming out to display an establishing shot of the house. 180 degree rule is used at different points of the film. Match on action is used when the main character is running. Tracking show is used when following the main character running up the footpath. Close up of the abductors hand when circling the image.


Mise-en-scene: Lighting stays natural in daylight in order to show surroundings, costume is the same in order to show continuity. Investigating team dressed in stereotypical suit and briefcases. Minimal props however dog is shown ownerless with lead dragging behind and a dirty running trainer left behind after signs of a struggle. Location for main character stays the same in outdoor environment, investigating team are shown walking into a building before cutting men in an office. Dialogue is played of men discussing recent cases of abduction in the area.

Sound: Diegetic sound of main character panting and her footsteps is played, diegetic sound of people and cars outside office before more diegetic sound of people talking and general work environment inside the office. Sound bridge crossing between office scene and ownerless dog of distressed dog barking.

Editing: Slow editing showing workers entering the office. Cross cutting is then used between the office and the main character running; this is used to highlight the danger of our character which the character doesn’t know of.

Camera work: An establishing shot is used to show the workers walking into the office to set the scene and give the audience an idea of what’s going on. While main character is running we use a tracking close-up shot to show her emotions and surrounding, this is also used for the dog. Medium shot of men talking about the 7 abductions also using match on action. A close up shot is used on the abandoned shoe which then zooms out to a long shot of the ownerless dog.


Mise-en-scene: The lighting which is used is dark and gloomy which is very typical of an abandoned house to scare the audience- However a Spotlight may be used to highlight the photos of the 7 girls on the wall. The costume of the main character will looked distressed and dirty to give the idea of a struggle. There will also be tape over the characters mouth to give the idea that she is not supposed to be found. The prop used in this scene which is set in the abounded house is chair which the main character is strapped to.

Sound: The only sound used in this scene is a non-diegetic sound of the sound-motif we used earlier in the opening scene which will be slow and low-however this time the music will be louder to add more emphasis to what’s happened. When the title of the film comes up the music may change a little.

Editing: Slow editing of the images so its gives the audience more detail and time. Fast editing is then used to give a flash of the main character’s body language-this will be done by using a deep focus on her and a blurred background-to draw the audience’s attention away from the surroundings.

Camera work: Panning shot on abandoned house to display the outside. A panning shot is then used to show the pictures of girls. Along shot is used to show that the main character is tied to a chair in the house close-up is lastly used to show the main character facial expression.

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