Friday 22 November 2013

Audience profiling

The movie we’re planning to film is a Crime/Action/Thriller; we made some research and found a couple of films which are in the same genre of ours then found out their audience types. Inception has a sense of thriller in the film and there most popular audience age is 15-24.Taken 2 which is also very similar to our film is an action/thriller and again their most popular audience is 15-24.This suggests that our target audience should be the same as theirs due to plots being similar.

From other research we have established that boys enjoy these genres more than girls however they were surprisingly incredibly close with 50%-50% for inceptions with the ratio of boys to girls and 54%-46% for Taken 2 this suggests that both of these films have used the perfect amount of crime, action and thriller to keep both audiences content. However other variables such as the use of very famous actors and good looking men will help the Female audience to increase. The use of female character in an action or thriller makes wil help the female audience to increase because they may be able to relate to the character.It especially helps when the women character subverts the stereo-type of women being Damsel-in-distress and becomes the hero.
The last thing that effects the type of audience is different type of class’s, from our research we found out that that the high-middle class was the highest percentage of audience watching Inception however in Taken 2 low to middle was the highest. This could be down to the use of science fiction in Inception which may of been more popular with the higher class because it’s obvious a lot of money has been put into the film ($160 million) however Taken 2 is more realistic and the budget would of been much lower ($40 million) this may mean the lower class’s could relate more to Taken 2.

 Knowing what our target audience is going to be is very important
 because we need to know what is suitable and appropriate, for example if our target audience was between the ages of 8 and 12 it wouldnt be suitable to swear because it would be out of place to the story line . However Knowing that our target audeince should be between the ages of 15 and 24 means we can be more free with what we choose , if anything the most important thing  to do is to make sure its matture enough and realistic to the real danger s of society otherwise people will get bored if its too un-realistic.

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