Monday 18 November 2013

Actor Interview: Christie Bagley

Christie Bagley who is a very good friend of all of us has volunteered to be in our opening two minutes, we think she will be a good person for the job because we are very close friends with her so we won't feel too bad giving her constructive criticism because we know she won't take it the wrong way. She also acted in her elder sister's media opening two minutes too which means she knows what to expect.She is perfect for our character because she looks like a stereo-typical victim with her appearance,she is perfect for the role .As well as this she is very normal looking so it creates realism for the audience making it easier for our audience to relate to our protagonist. We asked her a few questions so everyone could get to know her and show  you why we chose her.

Questions and her answers:

Q)who's your favourite actors or actresses?

A) Sandra Bullock and Liam (Laughs) Neeson.

Q)Why's that?

A) (laughs) Because they've been in a variety of different genre films that I really enjoy.

Q)What's your favourite film?

A)The blind side.


A)Because it's based on a true story and it's quite inspirational.

Q)What's your preferred genre?

A)Romantic comedy.

Q)Why's that?

A)Because I'm quite soppy (laughs).

Q)What are your influences ?

A)Celebrities and the way they are portrayed throughout the media , and also my friends (smiles).

Q)What was the last film you saw?

A) (laughs)Captain Phillips.

Q)Why did you go and see that film?

A)Because I knew it was a true story and their the one I'm interested in.

Q)Lastly are you excited about being in our film?

A)Yeah because it will be my claim to fame (laughs) and keep my social life busy.

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