Wednesday 6 November 2013

Drag me to hell opening scene anaylsis

The title of the films shoot straight at us right at the beginning of the film, this is done to scare the audience because it will make the jump because you don’t expect it to happen. The text and the background were black and white this is stereo-typical of a 21st century horror film because it’s quite childish to use red which is used a lot in the older horror films because its connotes blood and evil. The black background makes it clear that the film is a horror film because black connotes mourning. However the connotations of black are also positive such as being classic and powerful.

The music used is very high pitched and slow which adds suspense to the audience.

When the name of the casts and crew come up they use a smoke affect which turns into words this may creep out the audience because it comes across as sneaky and mysterious. While the titles are coming up they use short quick editing of different images this is done to add suspence.The images
behind the titles make enigmas this is done by showing us images which may relate to the plot for example "3 Days for the curse to develop.”. The images then set on fire which adds a sense of danger.

The music stops as a new setting of a city in daylight is introduced using an establishing shot to introduce the film, the setting isn’t very un-stereo-typical of a horror film because normally they're set in a rural secluded area normally set a night time. While the camera is still in the establishing shot a women speaking appears, the camera then zooms then zooms in, then changes to a shot inside a car were we discover the speaking is coming from the radio. The voice sounds hypnotic and calm; this comes across as quite creepy.

The first character is introduced which is a girl this is stereo-typical of a horror film because they are normally the victim because stereo-typically women are vunerable.The next shot is set in a dark underground car park which sounds very quiet this more stereo-typical for the setting of a horror film. The non-diegetic music used is very quiet and calm, this puts the audience at ease because at this point nothing has happened that’s suspicious.

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