Thursday 16 January 2014


Scene 1 – Christie leaving house

[Christie leaves the house and begins to run, sound of her running on the stone driveway, music will be played quietly over the top which will signify the action of her putting headphones in]

 [As Christie runs away the pop/fun music will fade away and scary music will begin as a sound bridge]

Scene 2 – introduction to antagonist

[The music gets louder as the scene changes to the cabin with the antagonist, louder and faster]

 Adam: (when circling a photo of Christie) It’s her.

Scene 3 – Christie Running

[The music will get slower and quieter as the scene cuts back to Christie running in the woods; it will be quiet so you can hear the diegetic sound of the wind and footsteps – rustling of leaves]

[Another sound bridge will occur with the scary loud music, cuts to the next scene]

Scene 4 – girl in the cabin + antagonist leaving

[The music will increase in pace and get louder]

 Girl on chair: (screaming while struggling) mmmm.

 [As Adam gets up and leave, you would hear his footsteps walking outside with the music increasing]

Scene 5 – Christie running

[Cuts back to Christie running, sound dims out and you can hear the diegetic sound of panting from Christie, use match on action]

 Scene 6 – antagonist at Eve’s house

[Adam walking down the pathway towards the back door, which is already open.]

(Squeaking of the door opening)

[Adam leaves the door open]

Scene 7 – Christie checking pulse

[Christie running and the non-diegetic music quietens and you can hear the diegetic music of Christie breathing and panting as she comes to a halt]

Christie: (slows down and stops) SIGHS WHILE BREATHING

(measures her pulse, counts in her head, but clearly for the audience)

Scene 8 – Adam in house

 [Non-diegetic music gets softer and calmer as it cuts back to the house with the antagonist]

 Adam: (runs his hands along the banister as going upstairs, sniffs pictures of her)

 Scene 9 – Christie returning

[Christie entering driveway, can hear footsteps = sound bridge from previous scene]

 (Christie slows down and starts to walk when entering driveway, stops and leans against post to get her breathe back)

 Scene 10 – Adam in house

[Picks up a photo of Christie and smells it]

 SOUND BRIDGE – (Christie opening the door and shutting it)

 Scene 11 – Christie entering house

[Just shut the door and walks through to the lounge]

 Christie: (Slumps on the sofa, feet up) Ahhh

 [Hears the wind blowing through the door and notices it’s open]

 Christie:  (Walks over to the door and sticks her head out the door to have a look,

then shuts it)

Scene 12 – Adam downstairs

[Adam stands in the doorway and slams the door behind him]

[Cuts too close up of Christie turning around]

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