Friday 31 January 2014

Our choice of film institution

Many people when choosing their film institution for their opening two minutes will choose a very well-known company known worldwide just because they have heard of it, however we have chosen to research institution that produces films similar to ours, to make our film more realistic.
Prisoners which is an American thriller film is based on an abduction of two children and the quest to find them, this makes it very similar to our film. The film institution they used was Warner Bros. which we found surprising because they are well known for their big budget films such as the Harry Potter franchise. Nevertheless after research we found out that they actually do a wide variety of films. Not only does it produce great thriller movies they also have a lot of experience and money to produce brilliant films. This makes it a suitable and a reliable institution choice if we actually to make a film. The downside of using such a big blockbuster film institution is that they are used to having big budget films, with action and effects which could end up changing the plot and deducting the realism.

Taken 1 and 2 is one of the biggest influences on our production and plot as they have a similar theme, an abduction of a teenaged girl who is sold to become a prostitute. The film institution they used is a French company called Europacorp, they have come to fame from there success of English spoken films which delivered a 61% increase year on year revenue. There not a very well-known company however the success of the Taken movies has made it a very good candidate. The main problem is that it’s a French company which may make it hard to translate our ideas; another problem is that our ideas may not seem suitable for a French audience.

Gone Which again has the same theme is a brilliant film with a great cast for example Amanda Seyfried.There institution choice is Summit Entertainment which is quite new into the industry however their parents are Lion Gate Entertainment which is very respected institution. There not known for a certain genre of film however they have some really good names under their belt such as the Twilight Saga and the Step Up movies. Some may say this is a negative however we think it shows their versatility in the film industry. In 1997, 6 years after they began, they started to fully finance their films, this means we would have something to lie back on but not receive such a profit.

The last film institution we researched was Phase 4 Films, they produced a film called Eden which is based on a true story of a teenaged girl who is abducted and sold for prostitution. This company would be a good choice for us as they produce low budget films which mean our film will be more realistic than if we choose a larger company.

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