Tuesday 28 January 2014

Animatic Storyboard

The animated story boards gives us an idea of what we are expecting to do through out our filming.The story board tells us the type of shots we are expecting to use and the different scenes.Although we changed our plot quite often , the story board did guide us through out.We know next time that we need to go into more detail and be more pacific with our ideas.

The opening shot of the film is a low angle shot of the victims driveway.This sets the scene , the low angle makes the protagonist seem vulnerable.The third shot of the house and protagonist tells us who the protagonist is and some background knowledge about her, the large house connotes that she is wealthy and this could the reason behind the abduction.The fifth shot introduces us to the antagonist and his where abouts. By showing him from the back adds a sense of mystery and will create enigmas.The sixth and seventh shot tells us about the protagonist and shows that he has done it before and planning to do more abductions , this will intrigue the audience and frighten them.The ninth shot lets the audience know that the person we saw at the beginning is his first victim.The close-up shot makes the audience emphasise with her.The tenth shot will intrigue the audience as it seems like he is watching her , the long- shot also sets the scene , by being in the woods it may frighten the audience.The twelfth shot will work the work well as it will give the audience idea of the plot.The last shot I feel is the most significant as you are left at a cliff hanger and made to think.This enables the audience to participate from antagonists perspective and see where he is coming from.

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