Tuesday 22 October 2013

Conventions and stereo types of action/adventure films

A lead role  played by a man who comes across as fearless and ends up being a hero. A lot of the time the protagonist is an unknown person who is covered up my a mask so there real identity isn't open to the public, this normally shows that he is modest and shy . Another type of character who is in a lot of action films is a damsel who has been saved by the protagonist.Stereo type of damsels are blonde , beautiful women that are sometimes foreign.The characters then end up falling in love which normally causes a villain to abduct the damsel to get its own back.Stereo type which go with antagonist are  foreigners, having dark hair and been humiliated or dis-honoured making him turn into a vial person.The dark hair is normally portrayed because blonde hair is a connotation of  some one who is good looking. Having a foreign accent also comes across as scary.

A lot of the time vehicles are used this is normally to show of the wealth of each character and do cool tricks such as driving fast, skidding and jumping between one roof to another.The majority of the time the cars used are very expensive and black ,this is because black connotes wealth and power.Weapons such as guns and knives are used regularly however in films such as Indiana Jones they use ropes due to the time period the film was set in. A lot of the time these things cause explosions and crashes.

In tons of newer movies a lot of the film are set in a very famous city such as London or New York where the chaos of the setting mirrors the fight between the protagonist and antagonist. However sometimes they are set in a rural/exotic areas such as desserts or jungles were the setting is very interesting to watch for the audience.

One of the most famous connotations of action adventure films are that the hero always win normally by killing the villain or getting him in prison.

The non-diegetic sound in action adventure films are usually very slow and low to add tensions ,quite a lot of the time the music gets louder and faster as the music is on to show that something big is going to happen.The editing will also be very quick to also add tension to the scene, this may also conclude in very long shots to emphasise the choice of quick short shots.

On average this genre is most popular with Boys/Men with the age of 12-25 year old. This is normally due to the violence this may also help with escapism of their real lives. 

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