Tuesday 22 October 2013

Conventions and Stereo types of romantic comedies

The three main characters in a romance film's are the two love interests and an irritating, interfering character who adds a comedic factor to the film. A stereo type of the love interests is that neither of them like each other when they are introduced,this normally turns into a passionate fight which ends up with the love interests sleeping together.At this point they realise they actually like each other. The women is normally a strong, powerful character with a very good job , this makes her controlling and the reason why the man normally dislikes her at the beginning.The Man is normally very similar , this is why they seem to clash because they are both very dominant.The interfering character is normally a friend or mother of one of the love interests, normally if its a mum she is pushy and if its a friends normally they give some ridiculous advice which ends up going terribly wrong.


Due to romance films doing well in the film industry quiet a lot of the time the stories are set in a famous city such as New York or London because people would rather watch something where they know its set because they can relate to it more.


non-diegetic sound isn't used as regularly in romance films due to music normally being used to add tension, however if it is used it normally classical to sounds sensitive and sympathetic if  some one is heart broken etc.


Costumes in romance films are normally ordinary clothes because its supposed to be as relate-able and mundane as possible to the audience, if they had dramatic clothing people wouldn't find it as realistic. This means that the budget for the films are normally very low because there isn't much use of special effects.

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