Wednesday 2 April 2014

Who would be the audeince for your media project?

Generally I think our target audience is teenage girls , women . I think this is obvious with our opening two minutes as you can tell that our influence and inspiration is the TV success Luther. Luther has a very large audience however I think we have narrowed it down to a smaller audience of teenage girls and women. The choice of a teenage girl being our protagonist has meant that a younger audience may enjoy it more than Luther because it makes it more relatable. Although thriller is normally a genre enjoyed by teenage boys and men due to the violence, I think we have managed to widen the audience by changing some conventions to suit a female audience.

Our target audience won’t be stereo-typically girly however they will be reasonably intelligent as quite a lot of the time in thriller films the story line can sometimes be hard to follow meaning the audience will have to understand the plot well and know what to expect. I think with this genre of film there isn't an exact type of person who would watch it. With a chick flick it is easier to work out what type of girl will watch the film because quite a lot of the time you are able to relate to the character and plot. Whereas with a thriller story line, most people haven’t gone through an experience like it, making it harder to relate to. I think with any other thriller movie their audience would be mainly male with a few Females , however because the protagonist is a teenage girl.

 I think our audience will enjoy music which is currently in the charts which is a variety of pop , Electric and Pop-Rock ; the audience we are trying reach will be very typical. With an audience like ours I think their chosen choice of TV programmes will be shows such as Pretty little liers,Luther,Criminal minds and Hannibal. These are some very popular TV programmes known worldwide.These TV programmes are in the same genre as our but also have a very similar audience
 as well- this means that people who watch these shows will also enjoy our film.Although there is an teenage girl and women audience for thriller TV shows most thriller movies have a audience of men, which means we have branched out to make something different. I think with our choices we have made we changed the stereotypical audience and added something new to the movie industry.

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