Wednesday 2 April 2014

Looking back at your preliminary task , what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

In our preliminary task we didn't have any time at all to plan what we were going to do, which meant we had to think on the spot meaning our choices were not very precise and clean cut. Our main problem with our preliminary task was that we didn’t control our lighting, we also didn’t handle the camera very well meaning it was unsteady. We hadn’t really done much research at this point which also meant we didn’t know what type of camera angles and shots would work best. Since then we have had done a lot more research on other opening two minutes to get some good ideas and knowledge. With our new knowledge we have been able to create an opening two minutes with a variety of new techniques we have learnt throughout, meaning we have been able to create a more professional opening two minutes.

Due to having no time to plan our task our plot was a bit silly which is shown in our non-existent acting skills. This meant we didn't take the filming very seriously which was reflected in the quality of  the preliminary video.However because we planned what we wanted to do in our proper video , we felt a lot more confident in what we  were doing which lead  to  a better quality video. At the point of editing our preliminary task we were unaware of the effect we could add to the videos. Whereas when we were editing our opening two minutes we discovered the effect for the lighting of the video , which was very useful to create a better and more realistic video, where we were unable to control the lighting. Although we didn't have this problem in our preliminary task , in our real video we were able to speed up the video. We did this in places where we thought needed it.For example when Christie was on a run , we had to speed her up because she was running at different paces from angle to angle.I'm noting this because if we needed to do this in our preliminary task I think it was very unlikely we knew this tool had existed.This was mainly because we hadn't explored what was available on the programme at that point in time.We also learn through experience that we needed to do the same shot more than once, however in the preliminary we did not do this , leaving us with little footage to choose from.

In our preliminary task , which was given to us on the day we had to film, we didn't really focus on Mise-en-scene.Which meant that our costumes didn't reflect the character we were playing. but in our defence we didn't have time to think about this. However throughout the course we did research into costumes and outfits that would suit our character which meant the end result looked more realistic. In our preliminary I acted as someone superior and Eve acted some inferior to me, however I looked no more powerful than Eve because we were both in casual clothes, which could of lead to confusion. Another thing in Mise-en-scene that we didn't control very well was the sound. throughout the video the volume of sound changes or you can hear stuff in the background and some points then it suddenly disappears , this disrupt our continuity.However in our real video, we tried to control the sound as much as possible , if it didn't work very well we managed to edit it using the tools on the programme. The location we used didn't really suit the story , but with our real video we tried to use location which seemed realistic using knowledge we got from research.

 For our task we were asked to use the 180 degree rule , shot-reverse-shot and match on action.We tried to do all 3 of these things , however the quality of our filming meant they didnt work so well. However through out creating our media product we made sure we used these 3 techniques to make our video as good as possible.

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