Tuesday 24 September 2013

Skyfall opening scene analysis

The first thing we see as the movie starts is a dark distorted figure which is in a long shot to show the whole characters body, this gives us the idea that the character is a man because of the shape of the person. However we are not able to identify this person because the camera has given a blurred effect, this gives us the idea that the character is a secret agent because they don't want to reveal their identity. The character is down a thin dark corridor this suggests he is hiding however there is a stream of light coming through a blind in the window which looked like a spotlight giving the impression he is an important figure in the film.

As well as showing a character they gave a snippet of the James Bond sound motif. This gives us the idea that the character might be James Bond. The James Bond theme tune is a very famous and is recognised globally, using the tune at the beginning gets the audience in a good mood and should excite them. After the small introduction of the theme tune , it goes silence this is a convention of the genre because it comes across that he is creeping around quietly so he doesn't get caught, this builds tension because the audience are wondering why he is doing this.

He then walks towards the camera but looks behind it making the audience wonder what he is looking at. The way he walks towards the camera looks as if he's walking to the audience. As he walks closer to the camera it goes into a close up short. His eyes are the only thing we can see because light is shining on them, this interacts the audience but they still want to wait to reveal is identity completely. 

It then goes into another shot and he gets he's gun out which is a convention of a spy movie. He has his gun pointing out ,like he is looking for someone this makes an enigma. He walks into a room and and the camera pans the room and reveals dead bodies on the floor, James then finds  a spy who had got shot , he tries to help him but he's told by his boss not too , this shows that he is caring. He contacts his boss through an ear piece to tell her what's happening, this is a strong convention of a spy movie.

They use a non-diagetic sound of ticking this connotes that he has a period of time that he can be in that building because he needs to find someone.

In the same room there looks to be a laptop which has been broken into, they use a close-up to make sure the audience realises something has been taken. We , as the audience don't know yet what they have stolen or why it is important so this sets an enigma and this is very likely to be the story line.

What he is wearing doesn't seem to be very suitable for his job , this gives the idea that he is really good at it. Also they are not usually supposed to be publicly open as spies so wearing a suit hides the idea of being one.

After walking out the room to carry on with his mission some new music starts this sets were the location is as it comes across as a tradition eastern Europe tune. When he gets outside you realise he is in a city this is very stereo typical of a secret agent movie because it makes the missions that much harder because the area is busier. The car he gets in is a black Jeep , this connotes authority , power and wealth which spies normally have.

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