Friday 20 September 2013

hairspray opening scene analysis

In the opening scene it starts with the song "Good Morning Baltimore" this encourages the audience be happy and be optimistic about the film. Right at the beginning of the opening scene they use sounds from around the area and incorporated into the song. They also use a heavy beat to excite the audience and make them feel like something big is going to happen.

They used a wide variety of camera angle but the angle I thought stood out the most was the high angle-birds eyes view, this showed the audience were the film was set and gives them an idea of the time period by the type of building and fashion. They also zoom into a newspaper and reveal the date. When she looks in the fridge the camera gives the idea that she can see the audience by the way the camera angle is set.

The first time you see Tracey she is in bed and she pulls of her covers to reveal her eyes, By showing her eyes first gives the audience a chance to interact with her. They add suspense by not revealing her fully until she is completely ready. We also find out what the plot could be about when she sings because its clear that she want to perform because she sings about wanting to sing and dance. You also find out that she is a very caring person because the feeds the rats which are on the pavement , most people wouldn't do this however she does. While walking around were she lives you can tell she is very passionate about performing because she comes across as very oblivious.

when she is getting ready they show a hairspray can , she then sprays it at the camera which interacts the audience. They also Reveal the name of the film "Hairspray" on the spray giving a good effect. The reason for the film name could be down to the type of fashion and big hair.

The opening song tells us were the movie is set because they repeat the words "Good morning Baltimore" Because they start of with a song and the main character sings it we instantly as an audience realise we are watching a musical.

On the way to school she misses her bus because she is too busy singing however she manages to hitch a ride from a random stranger, this could be down to her being charming of being in an era when people don't think of the dangers of doing stuff like that , nowa days you couldn't really trust people with a responsibility of giving you a lift for no reason.

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