Saturday 15 February 2014

Opening titles of World War Z

I have chosen to analyse the opening titles for World War Z and it had a large influence on our work and it is very inspiring. From the beginning of the development of our opening 2 minutes we knew we wanted to use a very simple font, this is also exactly what World War Z did.However to make it more interesting they put the titles in an abstract order making it seem modern and more appealing .The titles come up ever so often making the audience have to think, to make it less boring they used clips in the background and in-between each title.The first few titles are to do with the productions , then they revealed who was part of the film for example Brad Pitt who is the most famous actor in the film and the protagonist.After that they continued with the rest of the cast.When the titles came up the name came up on a black screen next to a random clip meaning you were able to focus on the titles.The font was in white and on a black background making it traditional and bold.They didn't use fancy transitions making it more stylish and simplistic , I think this was done because they had clips in the background and didn't want it to be too busy and distracting.The use of clips gave the audience an idea of what the film was about but didn't give the plot away.When production details came up they used a bolder and bigger font on the names and smaller writing for the part of the film they contributed to, for example "Costumes designed by".Meaning you were able to focus on the most important thing. We,as a group, really like that choice and have chosen to do this with our opening 2 minuets as well.